

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Door Decor- Snowflake!

To make this pretty winter door decor, I baked and spray painted several pine cones white.  I cut out a snowflake shape from a big cardboard box.  I spray painted my cardboard snowflake and glued the pine cones down.  And voila!  It was too heavy for the cardboard to support.  My husband, handy guy that he is, said he could cut that pattern out for me with plywood and I could glue my cardboard to it.  So that's what we did!  If you don't have a husband, plywood, or saw, you could easily get the same effect by attaching a few of those paint stirring sticks (free at your local hardware store) together with wood glue.  Which is what I would have done had it not been for the hubs.  We hung it on the door and it lasted a week before the outdoor elements blew the pine cones off.  I guess glue doesn't hold up too well when it is freezing outside, plus there isn't a lot of surface area for the pine cone parts to touch the base.  So, I rubber banded the pine cones on and that seems to be working better.  The rubber bands slide nicely through the sticky-outty parts of the pine cone toward the center, so you can't see them. I also thought about tying them on with small gauge wire for a more lasting effect.  I don't know if the rubber bands will hold up through the summer heat in the attic without getting all crusty and breaking.  I'll let you know next January.

This cost me absolutely nothing.  Pine cones were free.  I already had spraypaint, glue, rubber bands.  Hubby had the hardware & plywood.

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